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Swarm FAQ


What are the Swarm Foundation's official channels?

Where can I find technical support and get answers to my other questions?

The Swarm community is centered around our Discord server where you will find many people willing and able to help with your every need!

Where can I find support for running Bee node on Dappnode?

You can find support for running Bee on Dappnode on the Dappnode Discord server:

Who can I contact for other inquiries?

For any other inquiries, you can contact us at

What's the relationship between Swarm and Ethereum?

Swarm started in the first days of Ethereum as part of the original "world computer" vision, consisting of Ethereum (the processor), Whisper (messaging) and Swarm (storage). The project is the result of years of research and work by the Ethereum Foundation, the Swarm Foundation, teams, individuals across the ecosystem and the community.

The conceptual idea for Swarm was started in the Ethereum team at the beginning, and the Ethereum Foundation incubated Swarm. After five years of research, Swarm and Ethereum are now two separate entities.

BZZ Token

What is BZZ Token?

Swarm's native token BZZ, was initially issued on Ethereum. It has been bridged over to Gnosis where it is referred to as xBZZ for differentiation, and serves as a means of accessing the platform's data relay and storage services, while also providing compensation for node operators who provide these services.

What is PLUR?

1 PLUR is the atomic unit of xBZZ, where xBZZ then has 16 decimals (ie. 1 PLUR = 1e-16 xBZZ)

Where can I buy BZZ tokens?

There are many ways to acquire BZZ tokens, either on custodial centralised exchanges where you can trade traditional currencies and cryptocurrency or through decentralised exchanges and protocols where you can trade between cryptocurrencies. For more information please visit the Get BZZ page on the homepage.

Note that for use on Swarm for staking or purchasing postage stamps, you need the Gnosis Chain version of BZZ, commonly referred to as xBZZ.

What is the BZZ token address?

See this page for a list of relevant token addresses.

What is the BZZ token supply?

With the shutdown of the bonding curve as a result of a community vote, the BZZ supply is now fixed at 63,149,437.

BZZ token tokenomics

More about BZZ token tokenomics:

What is the bonding curve?

A bonding curve is a mathematical function in the form of y=f(x) that determines the price of a single token, depending on the number of tokens currently in existence, or the market supply. The key difference is that with a traditional exchange platform market makers are required to provide liquidity to the market, whereas a bonding curve takes over the role of providing liquidity, negating the need for market makers.

What is the "Bzzaar" bonding curve?

During the first several years of the life of the BZZ token, the bonding curve mechanism played a critical role in maintaining liquidity and setting a transparent pricing model for BZZ tokens.

On May 4th of 2024, as a result of a community vote, the bonding curve was shut down and the BZZ supply is now fixed at 63,149,437.